Max Mara成立於1951年,是Max Mara Fashion Group旗下的首要系列,也是義大利奢華風格的代表,由已故高瞻遠矚的Achille Maramotti創建,呈現出充滿自信的現代女性系列,由豐富的製作工藝與時裝細節所構成。Max Mara的作品體現了女性氣質和工藝,象徵著無懈可擊的剪影與永恆的感性,並由最奢華的面料構成,因此被譽為大衣與尖端西服和優雅配飾的代表。經典的101801大衣及眾多女星鍾愛的泰迪熊大衣Teddy Bear Coat 都是Max Mara品牌賦予女性力量最有代表性的單品。

Max Mara, founded in 1951 by the late visionary Achille Maramotti, epitomizes Italian luxury and style. A contemporary collection of ready-to-wear and accessories for the confident woman, Max Mara is the premier offering within the Max Mara Fashion group consisting of sophisticated silhouettes and couture details achieved through masterful design. Recognized for its timeless sensibility and constructed from the most luxurious fabrics, Max Mara is revered for the classification of the coat, sharp suiting and elegant accessories. The classic 101801 coat and the Teddy Bear Coat are the most representative items of the Max Mara.

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    週日 ~ 週三 11:00 ~ 21:30
    週四 ~ 週六 11:00 ~ 22:00

  • Consumer Hotline: 02-2723-0470